Optimizing Resource Consumption in Mars Communications: A Protocol Perspective

  • Naeem khan
  • Koser jasmin


Interplanetary communication, especially with Mars, demands resource-efficient protocols to overcome the unique challenges posed by vast distances, signal delays, limited bandwidth, and energy constraints. This paper delves into the crucial topic of optimizing resource consumption in Mars communications from a protocol perspective. It explores innovative communication protocols, error correction techniques, data compression methods, and adaptive networking approaches to enhance efficiency and reliability while minimizing resource consumption in interplanetary missions.

How to Cite
Naeem khan, & Koser jasmin. (2023). Optimizing Resource Consumption in Mars Communications: A Protocol Perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 7(3), 141-148. Retrieved from https://ijcst.com.pk/index.php/IJCST/article/view/277