The Changing Tradition of References in Urdu Research Regarding Computers

  • Muhammad Ahmad
Keywords: Netw0rk ; C ; In page


APA is an American Psychological Association (APA) is founded in 1929 by a group of psychologists, anthropologists, and business managers. APA produces procedures and rules for witting a scientific paper or documents that how to write an academic dissertation, research article, books, proposal etc. in this article I discussed the Urdu literature style in the light of APA 6th edition (2o1o) The another Style of Chicago both are the same but with little difference. In this article I discussed these two citation style that how to use style in computer. The few new commands for Urdu scholars that they operate and write their articles in computer and solve their problems to use the InPge (Urdu) and MS word in windows in the light of future. I write in this article that how to cite the other and forward their idea, text, and research observation to others.

How to Cite
Muhammad Ahmad. (2023). The Changing Tradition of References in Urdu Research Regarding Computers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 6(3), 19-29. Retrieved from